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Get the HOTTEST LEGS for Lunch Only at Krazy Garlik!

Written By clapalisoc on Sunday, 2 April 2017 | 15:40

Tired of the usual lunch sets that you get from fast food chains? Looking for a place to get filling plus satisfying lunch? Head on to Krazy Garlik and try one of their new lunch offerings!

Krazy Garlik Whoa Legs Lunch Specials
Krazy Garlik's Whoa Legs Lunch Specials

WHOA! LEGS offers three dishes perfect for fowl lovers. If you love a chicken's thigh part or leg part, these dishes are the perfect ones for you! Playing on Filipino Classic favorite dishes, Krazy Garlic came up with Inasal and Binagoongan together with one signature dish.

With prices pegged at 375Php each, we got to try all three during a sponsored lunch - Krazy Garlik x Zomato x foodfanaticph!

Inasal Leg from Krazy Garlik
Inasal Leg

Let's start with my favorite of all - Inasal Leg. This spin off is a good one. It's not probably as good as the authentic Inasal but I liked how Krazy Garlik played on the flavors. A little more garlicky and sweet than the usual, the meat was tender and juicy! Loved the grilled taste that went well with the garlic rice and the crisp French Beans, the only missing factor here was a tad more chicken oil!

Binagoongan Leg from Krazy Garlik
Binagoongan Leg

Binagoongan Leg was served with plain rice to highlight the flavors of the dish. Garlicky, a little spicy and with a good coconut milk flavor, the bagoong needed a little more kick though.

Spiced Leg from Krazy Garlik
Spiced Leg

Spiced Leg was the last of the three. Rubbed with a mix of spices plus garlic, served with crisp French Beans and garlic rice, this didn't really leave so much of an impression. 

Pretty in Pink Cooler from Krazy Garlik
Pretty in Pink for 115Php

Also tried one of their Krazy Coolers - Pretty in Pink! Guyabano juice with honey garlic, laced with strawberry syrup on top - the mix wasn't bad. Guyabano dominated the flavor profile of  this drink and overall, the drink wasn't light because of the natural thickness of the Guyabano juice. Personally, not something that I would order again because Guyabano is not something that I fancy.

Make My Day from Krazy Garlik
Make My Day!

Krazy Coolers from Krazy Garlik
Coolers for all types of diners!

Mango Berry, Make My Day, Mango Tango and Freshly Squeezed Lemonade were some of the other drinks that our group tried. They all looked refreshing!

4 out of 5 Stars for Krazy Garlik!

--- Krazy Garlik: Level 2, Greenbelt 5, Ayala Center, Greenbelt, Makati City

About clapalisoc

I am a workaholic mom who is also trying to be the best wife ever. I am a self proclaimed food lover, a frustrated cook and pastry master. I have a thing for books and scrap booking fills up my free time. Blogging? It's something I do once in a while when I can squeeze in some "me time" in this super busy life.


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