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Everything Green Tea : Green Mile - The Secret Recipe

Written By clapalisoc on Sunday 7 April 2013 | 19:38

Looloo-ing gives a lot of benefits. Hmmm... I think that's a little exaggerated. What you actually get from Looloo are recommendations for must-go-to restaurants and tips on what you should and should not try. If you are a foodie, this is a can't live without kind of iPhone App. 

While browsing though the latest gastronomic entries in Looloo, I saw an interesting picture of a Green Tea Frappe from Starbucks with weird looking red swirls. It got my curiosity so I checked out the entire entry. It was indeed a customized drink from their Secret Menu - Green Mile! So, when I got the chance to drop by Starbucks on the same day, I ordered for it - LIKE A PRO.

Green Mile for 215php
Grande Green Tea Frappe - substitute vanilla syrup with hazelnut (no charge), add a shot of espresso (add 30php) and strawberry syrup (20php)! The Barista gave me the 'what was that again ma'am?' look! She got confused and asked me again. 

Taking a sip was just like taking a spoonful of Green Tea Matcha ice cream! It's sweet with strawberry bits and that hazelnut after taste! You gotta try it! The little girl and the hubby, who is not a fan of Starbucks' Green Tea Frappe, liked it too! 

Them - fooling around!

One thing though - since I'm always after the Matcha kick, I kind of missed that in this mix. The strawberry syrup over powered my trusty green tea. But the good thing is that I learned from another Looloo-er that I can always ask for another scoop of Matcha! Holly molly! Will try that next time.

Chocolate Eclair for 85php
The creamy chocolate filling

On the other hand, I also ordered for one of their newest addition to their pastry department - Chocolate Eclair. Served a little cold with some gold dusting, it was not as sweet as I thought it will be. The chocolate filling was creamy and a little chocolaty. The little girl liked it!

As always, this first ever drive-thru branch is a charmer. Very spacious with a classy furnishings, student friendly tables, lots of charging ports and couches resembling cozy living room spaces. 

***Update (11/19/2013) : Here is another version of Green Mile that you can try, if you don't want the espresso shot --

 - Grande Green Tea Frappe
 - Substitute vanilla syrup with hazelnut
 - Add a pump of strawberry syrup
 - Add a scoop of Matcha powder

This version has a stronger Matcha kick and is more ice cream like! Yay! I liked this better than the one above with espresso shot.***

---Starbucks Coffee : 32nd and 7th Ave., Crossroads, BGC, Taguig City

About clapalisoc

I am a workaholic mom who is also trying to be the best wife ever. I am a self proclaimed food lover, a frustrated cook and pastry master. I have a thing for books and scrap booking fills up my free time. Blogging? It's something I do once in a while when I can squeeze in some "me time" in this super busy life.


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